

compare_script_address(x: Address, y: Address) -> Ordering

Compare two script addresses

compare_address(x: Address, y: Address) -> Ordering

Compare two addresses

address_payment_key(address: Address) -> Hash<Blake2b_224, ByteArray>

Obtain the payment key of an address, it can be either a script hash or a verification key

let payment_key_hash = address_payment_key(address)

address_pub_key(address: Address) -> Option<VerificationKeyHash>

Obtain the verification key of an address, None if it is a script address

expect Some(pub_key_hash) = address_pub_key(address)

address_script_hash(address: Address) -> Option<ScriptHash>

Obtain the script hash of an address, None if it is a verification key address

expect Some(script_hash) = address_pub_key(address)
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